Setup & Manage Media

There are several ways to add media members to This allows programs the ability to report their results to multiple media outlets in a single click. To access the media list, go to the Users tab on the back end and select Media. Here you can click Add Media and begin entering the required information. When finished entering a valid email address, a list of available sports to receive updates for will appear. Check the boxes for the sport(s) from which to receive result reports. The default setting is for All Sports. Then select Add Media.

Media outlets can also add themselves via the school’s Sign-up Page, which is <yourschoolname> Be sure to choose Media in the Category dropdown menu.

To manage existing media on the Media page, search for the media entry via the search field or scroll to find the listing. To delete the entry, click on the X icon to the right of the entry. To edit the entry information, click anywhere on the row to reveal the listing, make appropriate edits, and hit Save.